Length Conversion

Length Converter

Convert Lengths

Convert between different length units

Table of Contents

Interactive Length Explorer

Explore Length Scales

Visualize and compare different length units

1.00 meters
100.00 centimeters
3.28 feet
39.37 inches
1.09 yards

Drag the slider to see how the same length is represented in different units.

Length Conversion Formulas

Length Conversion Formulas

Use these formulas to convert between different length units

Meters Conversions:

  • feet = meters × 3.28084
  • inches = meters × 39.3701
  • centimeters = meters × 100
  • yards = meters × 1.09361

Feet Conversions:

  • meters = feet ÷ 3.28084
  • inches = feet × 12
  • centimeters = feet × 30.48
  • yards = feet ÷ 3

Inches Conversions:

  • meters = inches ÷ 39.3701
  • feet = inches ÷ 12
  • centimeters = inches × 2.54
  • yards = inches ÷ 36

Centimeters Conversions:

  • meters = centimeters ÷ 100
  • feet = centimeters ÷ 30.48
  • inches = centimeters ÷ 2.54
  • yards = centimeters ÷ 91.44

Yards Conversions:

  • meters = yards × 0.9144
  • feet = yards × 3
  • inches = yards × 36
  • centimeters = yards × 91.44

Interesting Length Facts

The metric system is used by approximately 95% of the world's population.

The circumference of the Earth at the equator is about 40,075 kilometers.

The world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, stands at 828 meters.

The smallest known unit of length is the Planck length, approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters.

A light-year, a unit of astronomical distance, is about 9.46 trillion kilometers.

The Great Wall of China is approximately 21,196 kilometers long.

Average Human Height


Note: These are approximate global averages and can vary significantly between different populations and regions.

Height Comparisons

Average Human1.75.5866.93
Two-Story House826.25315
Statue of Liberty93305.123,661.42
Empire State Building3811,25015,000
Mount Everest8,84829,029348,348

Note: These are approximate heights and may vary slightly depending on specific examples or measurements.

Length Knowledge Quiz

Test Your Knowledge

Answer these questions about length units and conversions

How many inches are in a foot?

Question 1 of 5

History of Length Measurement

The Evolution of Measuring Length

From ancient methods to modern standards

  • Ancient civilizations used body parts like hands and feet as units of measurement.
  • The cubit, based on the length of the forearm, was used in many ancient cultures.
  • The metric system was developed during the French Revolution for standardization.
  • The International System of Units (SI) was established in 1960, with the meter as the base unit of length.
  • Today, the meter is defined by the speed of light in a vacuum.

Real-World Applications

Length Conversion in Practice

How length conversion is used in various fields

  • Construction: Converting between metric and imperial measurements for building plans.
  • Sports: Track and field events often require conversions between meters and feet.
  • Navigation: Converting between nautical miles, kilometers, and miles for sea and air travel.
  • Science: Using nanometers and micrometers in microscopy and molecular biology.
  • Manufacturing: Ensuring precision in product dimensions across different measurement systems.

Accuracy in Length Measurement

Precision and Accuracy

Understanding the importance of accurate length measurements

Accurate length measurement is crucial in many fields, from engineering to scientific research. Here are some key points about accuracy:

  • Precision refers to the consistency of measurements, while accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true value.
  • Modern technology allows for extremely precise measurements, down to fractions of a nanometer.
  • Temperature can affect the accuracy of length measurements due to thermal expansion.
  • Calibration of measuring instruments is essential for maintaining accuracy.
  • In some fields, such as nanotechnology, even tiny measurement errors can have significant consequences.

Glossary of Length Terms

Meter (m)
The base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI).
Foot (ft)
A unit of length in the imperial and US customary systems, equal to 12 inches or 0.3048 meters.
Kilometer (km)
A metric unit of length equal to 1,000 meters.
A unit of length equal to 5,280 feet or approximately 1.60934 kilometers.
Nautical Mile
A unit of length used in marine and air navigation, approximately 1.852 kilometers.
Micron (μm)
A unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter, often used in scientific contexts.

Frequently Asked Questions